
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, including how the mind creates emotions and motivates behavior. It covers a wide range of topics, such as:- Conscious and unconscious phenomena
- Mental processes, like thoughts, feelings, and motives
- The behavior of humans and nonhumans
Asociate of Arts Oregon Transfer/Emphasis in Psychology
Major code 1260
We can help you customize your Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree from Treasure Valley Community College with an emphasis in Psychology. By earning an AAOT, you can save money on the first two years of your bachelor's degree before you transfer to a university. See an advisor for more options and information about how to design your AAOT with your transfer degree in mind. ADVISINGAAOT Emphasis/Psychology
PSYC 101
Psychology of Human Relations - 3 Credits
Emphasizes the theory and practice of human relations in the work setting, including self-management skills, role as an employee, and effective participation in work groups. Stresses self-awareness, awareness of others, managing stress and emotions, building healthy relationships, interpersonal communications, intercultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, and professional behavior.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
PSYC 201 Z
Introduction to Psychology - 4 Credits
Introduction to the science and application of psychology. Emphasis will be placed on psychological concepts, theories, and principals related to: Research Methods, Behavioral Neuroscience, Consciousness, Sensation/Perception, Learning, Memory, Thinking and Intelligence, and related topics.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
PSYC 202 Z
Introduction to Psychology II - 4 Credits
Introduction to the science and application of psychology. Emphasis will be placed
on psychological
concepts, theories, and principals related to: Personality, Social Psychology, Health
and Well-Being, Motivation and Emotion, Disorders, Therapies, Lifespan Development,
and related topics.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
PSYC 203
General Psychology - 3 Credits
Stresses abnormal psychology and social psychology. Discusses theories of personality adjustment, abnormal psychology, psychological intervention, stress, conflict, and social psychology. Prerequisites: PSYC 201, or BIOL 101.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Spring